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Class Add, Drop, Withdrawal and Audit

课程添加、退课和退课的截止日期取决于相应的课程学期. 有关短期及特殊的部分学期课程,请参阅 Special Term/Short Course Report for deadlines. 

学生可以在Ursa上找到他们的课程添加,退出和退出的截止日期,在注册 信息,您的课程退/退截止日期.

请注意:修完相关课程后,退课概不退款。 drop deadline. Tuition and fees are charged at 100%. 

Deadlines for Fall 2024

Add classes - Full Term*

Friday, August 30

Drop Classes - Full Term*

Monday, September 9

Withdraw Class(es) - Full Term*

Friday, December 6

Deadlines for Spring 2025

Add classes - Full Term*

Friday, January 17, 2025

Drop Classes - Full Term*

Monday, January 27, 2025

Withdraw Class(es) - Full Term*

Friday, May 2, 2025

*不符合整个学期要求的课程有自己的加/退/停课规定 grade replacement deadlines. 请参阅“您的课程退课/退课截止日期” the Student tab in Ursa or see the Special Term/Short Course Report.

**For Summer semester use the Special Term/Short Course Report to see deadlines.

退课的第一天是第一堂课 在整个学期课程的截止日期之后. The last date to withdraw from 个别课程或要求一个完整的时间表从办公室退出 注册主任是期末考试周前的周五. Respective full semester course withdrawal deadlines are published on the Office of the Registrar website.

在您首次注册后,您可能需要添加,退出或退出课程. 一般来说,所有这些行动都可以在《博天堂官方网站》中完成,并且每个道具都具有潜力 对助学金、学费和成绩单的影响.  If you're thinking about 任何这些调整,记得注意截止日期! 

Registration Changes

Financial Impact



When you add a class Tuition and Fees adjusted if applicable Course is added to transcript Ursa
When you drop a class Course is removed from transcript Ursa
When you withdraw from a class
  • No refund of Tuition or Fees
  • 退课会影响你的经济援助资格. Contact Financial Aid if you have questions
"W" is recorded on the transcript; does not impact GPA Ursa


No refund of Tuition or Fees "W" is recorded on the transcript; does not impact GPA Contact Office of the Registrar
  • Adding a Class

    Full-Semester Classes

    到相应学期的第5天:您可以添加整个学期 classes through Ursa. Tuition and fees are adjusted accordingly.

    Days 6 – 10: Students may access the  Course Late Add Request Form (第6-10天)在注册主任办公室网站上提交相应学期的申请 it to the Office of the Registrar. 添加请求表单只能在 注册官办公室网站6-10天.

    注意:课程延迟添加请求表格只在延迟的第6 - 10天可用 add period.

    学期第10天之后:你必须提交一份 Petition to Late Add a Course (连同所有签名)一并提交书记官长办公室考虑 附上一份书面声明,说明导致你无法坚持的情况 to the deadline. 这份请愿书只有在情有可原的情况下才会被批准 这是你无法控制的,它让你无法遵守规定的截止日期. You must 是否在截止日期或之前参加过课程. Final approval 会在注册主任办公室办理吗.

    Forms may be scanned and emailed to registrar@cn-sportgoods.com,或带到校园公地2120的教务处.

    为了使用该课程的COF津贴,你必须注册该课程 before the drop deadline for that course. 可能有合法的行政原因 that may allow COF eligibility. UNC will adhere to the 科罗拉多州高等教育学院机会基金指导方针.

    Special Term/Short Courses

    You may add courses in Ursa through the add deadline of the course. (see Special Term/Short Course Report).

    After the add deadline, you may submit a Petition to Late Add a Course to the Registrar for consideration.

    Requirements for a successful petition

    • 如果有一些你无法控制的情有可原的情况使你无法坚持下去 to the published deadlines. (你必须附上一份描述情况的书面声明 that kept you from adhering to the deadline.)
    • 你一定是在交单截止日期之前参加的.

    Forms may be scanned and emailed to registrar@cn-sportgoods.com,或带到校园公地2120的教务处.


  • Dropping a Class

    info Did you know...

    退课和退课是完全不同的两件事. If you 在退课截止日期前退课,这门课将不会出现在你的成绩单上 you won’t be charged any tuition or fees. There’s no impact on your GPA.

    If you want to drop a full-semester class

    You may drop classes in Ursa through the 10th day of the semester.


    You may drop Special Term/Short Courses in Ursa through the drop deadline of the course. 选择您的课程退/退截止日期 链接,以确定课程的截止日期. Note: It’s your responsibility 知道你的课程的截止日期是什么时候.


    在某些情况下,如果你不去上课,老师会把你从课堂上除名 two hours. 但是,你有责任遵守交单程序,而不是 假设你的教练会自动放弃你.

    欲了解更多信息,请访问 University catalog

    If you have a hold on your account

    如果你的账户被冻结,无法取款, 你必须在下午5点之前联系注册主任办公室.m. on the day of the deadline.

  • Adjusting Variable Credit Courses

    如果你需要注册一个可变学分的课程,一旦你添加了 您的课程安排,请回到您的课程安排并选择Schedule and Options’ link.

    Reg add drop

    Select Registration Term

    Term Select

    Select "Schedule and Option"

    Schedule and Options

    Adjust your credit amount and click on the Submit button. 

    Select Credit

    Adjust Credit


  • Withdrawing from a Class

    如果你错过了退课截止日期,你需要通过Ursa退课.  In 在这种情况下,这门课将以“W”的成绩出现在你的成绩单上,不会有任何影响 your GPA. 你将被收取学费和杂费,这可能会影响到你的经济援助 award.

    博天堂官方网站完全退出UNC,请参阅博天堂官方网站  Withdrawing From All Classes.

    Full-Semester Classes

    你可以退个别的课 Ursa through the Course(s) withdrawal deadline.

    You will still be charged tuition and fees.

    Special Term/Short Courses

    您可以在课程的退课截止日期之前退课 course.  选择“学生”选项卡上的“您的课程退学/退学”截止日期链接 您的URSA,以确定您的课程的退出截止日期. It is your responsibility 了解你的课程的退课截止日期.


  • Auditing a Class

    有关北方大学旁听课程的更多信息 Colorado, please visit the University catalog